2012 – Renovation of the School in Ditak Village – stage 2

Ditak village school, Ararat region, Armenia


The Ditak village community has a secondary school built in 1967 that provides education to nearly 90 pupils aged from 6 to 17 years.
During a visit to the village school in 2009, AWHHE staff was shocked to see the dilapidated state of the school and the hard work of the teaching staff to provide the best possible education to schoolchildren. More detailed information about the school and renovation activities implemented in 2011-2012 is available under the project “Renovation of the School in Ditak Village”
The second stage of the activities was aimed at renovating the gymnasium of the school and the roof of it.

Donor response:

The second stage of the renovation work was supported by Swiss “Sourire vers l’Avenir” Foundation:   USD 35 000.
Results of the second stage:

Before renovation


Renovation process

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After renovation


Other pending urgent works

To provide children with normal educational conditions, following building activities to be implemented urgently

  1. Provide the effective drainage of surface (irrigation) water from the School’s land parcel.
  2. Strengthen the wooden construction and exchange the roof covering of the Rest of the building to profiled metal sheets and eliminate further use of dangerous Asbestos slate.
  3. Completely renew the lining and floor coverings of all premises and in the connecting corridor.
  4. Exchange all interior doors to solid doors with built-in locks.
  5. Repair damaged plastering.
  6. Build urine dry diverting toilet (the lack of drinking water makes conventional toilets unreasonable) adjacent to the connecting corridor with the entrance from that corridor.  Provide water for hands washing.