2004 – 2005 – For a toxic free future – stage 3
Location: 10 villages of Artashat region
Duration: September 2004 – May 2005
Project supported by: USAID & NGOC
Reduce the risk exposure of pesticides on human health and environment in Artashat region
- Awareness about pesticides harmful health impacts among rural population increased more then by 50%. Pre and post surveys data, STATA package, laboratory findings. 26% of rural population have mentioned that appropriated information on the problem they have received from AWHHE informational sources.
- Children involvement in raising awareness campaign through – 8 theatrical performances in 10 villages of Artashat region.
- Local and regional level NGO’s, governmental, health care authorities
- interested in problem increased by 50%. Rapid pre and post assessment.
- The number of users of personal protective equipment has increased in about three times.
Results of carried out activities in frame of the project contributed in reducing the risk exposure of pesticides on human health and environment in Artashat region.
There is an evidence that the same strategy should be implemented throughout the country to reach the long term goal: reduce the risk exposure of pesticides on human health and environment in Armenia
Healthy Environment for Our Children – Healthy Generation for Armenia