2009-2010 – “Monitoring of Water Supply Improvement Program in 4 Villages of Armenia funded by the Asian Development Bank”
The AWHHE NGO carried out the monitoring of the implementation of water supply and sanitation improvement program implemented in the villages Lanjazat, Mrgavet, Dvin and Verin Dvin of the Ararat marz. The AWHHE also followed that the right of the local population to have safe drinking water of the sufficient amount was not trespassed and no harm was done to the people and the environment.
The water pipelines were replaced with the new ones and water-meters were installed in each of the above-mentioned villages, though these works were done partly. Due to the reduction of water losses and the placement of water – meters, water supply improved also in those districts of the villages where new pipelines were not yet laid out. The AWHHE had a meeting with the representatives of the “Armenian Water & Sewerage” Company, the ADB office in Armenia who assured that so far only the priority activities were performed and in future new capital investments would be provided which would help finally improve the water supply in the target villages.
During the implementation of the program the discrepancy was observed between the project conditions and the actually performed activity. It was conditioned by the inadequacy of the data illustrating the real state of pipelines. For that reason during the construction works the constructors had to make some clarifications in the designs and to do additional works. In order to inform the local people about this problem and also to listen to their remarks and wishes the double meeting was organized with the designing organization, constructors and the inhabitants.
During the estimation of the preliminary designs it became clear that there were extra financial resources that could help to lay out new water pipelines. As a result of additional construction works, in Lanjazat instead of 4500m there was constructed a 7085 m long pipeline, in Dvin instead of 2100m there was laid out 4045m, in Mrgavet 4235m instead of 3700m, and in Verin Dvin there was constructed a 4500m long pipeline.
The statements on the reception and delivery of constructional works were not yet signed as far as the works were not completed and the terms were prolonged.
The AWHHE paid a special attention to the awareness-raising of the local population about the implemented project. For that purpose the AWHHE prepared and disseminated booklets about the ADB activities in Armenia, also organized radio- and TV broadcasts, and had some articles published in the newspapers. Meetings were organized with the most active people of the villages, the medical personnel and the representatives of different segments of the local population in order to involve them in the process of monitoring and dissemination of information. Through the active members of their villages the mayors of the project villages presented their findings and remarks which later on were presented to the designers, constructors and the “Armenian Water& Sewerage” Company via AWHHE.
The AWHHE conducted a survey among the local population of the project villages about the results of the improvement in the water supply sector. Later on the results of the survey were presented to all stakeholders during the Round table meeting.
The AWHHE informed them about all the shortcomings uncovered during the monitoring with the hope that in the near future the stakeholders would consider these issues and make efforts to eliminate them by the end of the program.
Healthy Environment for Our Children – Healthy Generation for Armenia