2012- Monitoring Mercury in Air in Armenia, Using LUMEX

WHERE ARE THE MERCURY EMISSIONS IN ARMENIA? During summer 2012, the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) conducted snapshot air tests at 9 sites across Yerevan and the regions of Kotayk and Gegharkunik to gather and analyze information on potential mercury exposure. The air testing in Armenia was supported by the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group as…

2010-1012-Toxic-free Baby Products for Children in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan (November 2010 – October 2012)

Implementing organizations: “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO /AWHHE/ (Armenia) and “Independent Ecological Expertise” NGO/IEE (Kyrgyzstan) Overall goal: To advance ongoing efforts to eliminate toxic substances in toys on the market in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine by 2020 and contribution into SAICM implementation in the targeted countries by initiating the development of a global information system…