2019-2021 Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia

The Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) NGO has launched a new project “Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia”, funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund.  This 24-months project, which started on 1 January 2019, aims to contribute to the sustainable management of natural water resources of the Ararat Valley by enhancing participation of women groups in the oversight of […]

2018-2019- Revision of national targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Armenia and implementation of the Action Plan on equitable access to water and sanitation

    The Republic of Armenia signed the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health in 1999. In line with article 6 of the Protocol, draft targets and target dates in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health were prepared during the period of 2013-2014 within the UNECE-FinWaterWei project and approved by the National Policy Dialogue on Water Policy […]

AWHHE completed the “Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia” project, funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund.

2019-Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia The project was highlighted in the latest UNDEF Newsletter. Please click below for the UNDEF latest newsletter, including the Board’s green light for new project proposals, UNDEF’s event with the UN Deputy Secretary-General during the High-level Political Forum, and stories from UNDEF’s work in the field (including AWHHE project). https://www.un.org/democracyfund/sites/www.un.org.democracyfund/files/Newsletter/uu42_july_2019.pdf In […]

AWHHE has launched a new project “Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia”, funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund.

2019-Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia The project was highlighted in the latest UNDEF Newsletter. Please click below for the UNDEF latest newsletter, including the Board’s green light for new project proposals, UNDEF’s event with the UN Deputy Secretary-General during the High-level Political Forum, and stories from UNDEF’s work in the field (including AWHHE project). https://www.un.org/democracyfund/sites/www.un.org.democracyfund/files/Newsletter/uu42_july_2019.pdf

Poverty in rural areas and unsatisfactory chemical safety situation

We’ve been working in Armenia for several years now. That’s not surprising consider the historical development in the area during 20th century the modren-time consequences it has brought on this transcaucasian country. The past had not been always keen here in the “cradle of life”. Hence Arnika’s activities in Armenia since 2010. Help the rural communities to implement sustainable agriculture […]