AWHHE participates in IPEN General Assembly (Petrópolis) and Toxics-Free Future Forum (Rio de Janeiro) in Brazil, from 7 – 11 June, 2012, as well as Rio + 20 meetings, from 12- 18 June, 2012
The IPEN General Assembly was held on 07-10 of June in Petrópolis, Brazil just prior the Rio+20 summit. Main topics discussed during the GA were: Update & POP COP6, Beyond POPs & the 2020 Goal, Heavy Metals & Communications Training, Rio+20; Coalition Building; SGP.
AWHHE representative Lusine Nalbandyan had a speech on POPs Policy Updates – National Success Stories – Next Step – Stockpiles Success.
General Assembly provided direct policy and technical trainings to approximately 80 IPEN NGO representatives working on chemical safety; promoted joint campaign opportunities among IPEN Participating Organizations (POs); and enabled IPEN to update its constituency’s past developments as well as outline future opportunities. More detailed information on IPEN GA is available at
The Toxics-Free Future Forum (
Rio + 20 PrepCom meetings and side events: Protecting women’s health and future generations from harmful environmental impacts was the topic of the “Protecting our first environment” side event held on 13th of June, which was organized by WECF, IPEN and the members of the Women’s Major Group at Barra Arena at the Rio+20 conference.
AWHHE representative Lusine Nalbandyan had a speech at the side event “Testing chemicals in our bodies, and women experience with plant- based tinctures instead of pesticides- a case study from Armenia”.
More information on Rio+20 efforts is available at: