AWHHE representative participated in two meetings in the framework of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM)

AWHHE representative participated in two meetings in the framework of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM)

In the 6th Central and Eastern Europe regional meeting of SAICM which was held 19 to 21 February  2018 in Lodz, Poland, AWHHE was part of the team of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN). During the meeting, panel discussions were focused on countries’ experiences, including financial mechanisms, success stories, lessons learned, and exchanges of information on scientific, technological and technical cooperation. During these sessions, IPEN colleagues Jasminka Randjelovic (ALHem, Serbia), Denys Pavlovskyi (MAMA-86, Ukraine), Gohar Khojayan (AWHHE, Armenia), and Muazama Burkhanova (Foundation in Support of Civil Initiatives, Tajikistan) were among the presenters. More information is available on IPEN website http://ipen.org/site/saicm-regional-meetings-2018.

Photo 1: AWHHE representative participates at the IPEN preparatory meeting for CEE Regional SAICM Meeting. 

Photo 2: AWHHE made a presentation at a World Health Organization (WHO) side event on WHO “Roadmap to enhance health sector engagement in the strategic approach to international chemicals management towards the 2020 goal and beyond.” 

The SAICM CEE Regional Meeting was followed by the UNITAR/OECD nanosafety workshop (22 & 23 February 2018).