Children of Ditak Call for Support
Please read the call for support to see how you can help the kindergarten of the village of Ditak. Your support is much-needed and will be greatly appreciated.
The village of Ditak of Ararat province is located at 20 km from the capital of Armenia. It is considered to be one of the geographically isolated settlements. The village has a population of 787 (230 households). The territory of the village is 217 ha. A large number of women shoulder the overwhelming burden of household tasks, the responsibility for caring for their children and their homes alone, because either their husbands have passed away, or they have left the country in search of work. Some of the male residents work either in Yerevan or abroad (e.g. in Russia). There is not enough water to irrigate the plots. The livelihood conditions are unsatisfactory and need to be improved.
What we need right now
Ditak community had no kindergarten in the past. The local governing body had an intention to turn the space of the back block of the school building into a kindergarten. Unfortunately, due to the lack of finances, the plan was impossible to put into operation. Thanks to the generous support of the Swiss Sourire vers I’Avenir Foundation, the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) implemented successfully the renovation of the kindergarten. Additional funding is needed right now to enable the operation of the kindergarten (the kindergarten has no furniture, equipment, etc.). The kindergarten will serve 40 kids. The beneficiaries are not only the children of this village, but also the children from the neighboring community, whose parents also want their children to attend this kindergarten.
Entrance to the renovated Ditak kindergarten
Inside the renovated Ditak kindergarten (playroom)
Toilet unit in the renovated Ditak kindergarten
Please see below what is needed for 40 kids:
- Playroom:
- 40 chairs
- 10 tables
- One storage/ shelves unit for toys
- Bedroom:
- 20 two-story beds
- 40 small wardrobes
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) NGO will use its previous successful experience for cooperating with the interested stakeholders and communities. We want to believe that the charitable organizations and Armenian authorities, who are concerned about the social conditions and education of children in rural areas of Armenia, will respond to the call.
Thank you very much for your support.
For more information, please contact us at:
Phone: (+ 374 10) 52 36 04;