Informal Review Group under the UNECE/WHO Protocol on Water and Health
At its seventh meeting (Geneva, 4 July 2014), the Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting decided to establish an informal review group to work on an addendum to the Guidelines on the Setting of Targets, Evaluation of Progress and Reporting as well as to define the scope of a possible further revision of the guidelines after the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, scheduled to take place in 2016.
The Informal Review Group was also tasked with revising the guidelines and template for summary reports by the eighth meeting of the Task Force, which took place on 2 and 3 July 2015.
The Informal Review Group includes, among other experts, Emma Anakhasyan, Head of the Environmental Health Department of AWHHE NGO.
Informal Review Group had four meetings: three meetings in 2015 and the fourth one in 2016.
Key considerations on future reporting system are:
- Strengthening the Part Four of the current reporting template with a view on gaining comprehensive supporting on the overall implementation of the Protocol with a particular focus on the core obligations under the Protocol (e.g. article 8)
- Harmonizing the reporting system with the priority areas under the programme of work (e.g. equitable access, small scale systems, safe and efficient management)
- Careful judgment of usefulness of the information requested, potentially leading to adjustments
- Need to reflect success stories that demonstrate progress achieved under the Protocol – concrete “success stories”: general progress over time on basis of common indicators (narrative and data) as well as added value of joining the Protocol
- Aligning reporting requirements under the Protocol with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) relevant to the water, sanitation, hygiene and health
- Aligning with other regional and global commitments such as the human right to water and sanitation
- Considering establishing linkages with other reporting systems
- Strengthening reporting on inter-sectoral cooperation and public and citizens’ involvement