“Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” Film Presentation at UN House
Press Release
On 31 August the film “Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” will be presented at the UN Office in Armenia . The film gives insight on the improper management of agrochemicals, including POPs (persistent organic pollutants), which pose hazards to human health and the environment. It also demonstrates the importance of raising public awareness among those using pesticides.
Some of the issues hampering the spread of knowledge on this issue are the limited availability of clear mechanisms for awareness raising or educational programmes, and the lack of specialized trainers in villages.
W elcoming speeches will be delivered by the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia Raul de Luzenberger and the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Dirk Boberg. Representatives of the Global Environmental Facility’s Small Grants Programme /GEF SGP/ in Armenia , as well as interested ministries, NGOs and mass media are invited to participate in the presentation, which will start at 12:00.
The film was produced within the framework of two projects , aiming at safe management of pesticides, using natural alternatives to pesticides and raising the awareness of the rural population. The projects are “Scaling up Experience in Improvement of Chemical Safety to Contribute to Poverty Reduction in Rural Armenia”, funded by the European Union ( € 186,000 EU contribution ) and co-funded by Arnika, GGF, IPEN, AWHHE, GEF, WECF (total of € 63 000). It is implemented jointly by the “Arnika” Czech Association and the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment /AWHHE/ . The other project is “Awareness – Raising on POPs and Toxic Chemicals for Risk Reduction in Hayanist, Khachpar, Fantan, Kaghsi, Solak and Dzoraghbyur Communities, Armenia” funded by the Global Environmental Facility’s Small Grants Program, and implemented by AWHHE.
For more information please contact Ms. Lusine Nalbandyan by phone number: 52 36 04 or email: office@awhhe.am .
“Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” film presentation
• 12:00- 12:20 Registration
• 12:20-12:25 Welcoming speech of Mrs. Elena Manvelyan, the President of AWHHE NGO
• 12:25:12:30 Welcoming speech of Mr. Raul de Luzenberger, the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia
• 12:30-12:35 Welcoming speech of Mr. Dirk Boberg, the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative
• 12:35-12:45 “Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” film demonstration
• 12:45- 13:00 Discussions (questions and answers)
• 13:00-13:30 Coffee break