2024 – 2026 – Promoting Democratic Participation and Climate-Smart Agriculture in Armenia
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment has launched a new project “Promoting Democratic Participation and Climate-Smart Agriculture in Armenia”, funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund.
This 24-months project, which started on 1 February 2024, aims to promote democratic participation in agriculture in Armenia’s Kotayk and Lori provinces through empowering local small holder farmers, especially women, with innovative knowledge and skills for reducing social and economic vulnerabilities due to climate change (as a contribution to SDG targets 2.3 and 2.4). Through training and facilitation, it would empower women farmers to take advantage of existing opportunities to influence decision-making, obtain training in climate-smart agriculture and to boost their farms’ productivity, sustainability and revenues.
OUTCOME TWO: Increased SDG 2 contribution by smallholder farmers (50% women) practicing innovative climate smart agriculture and collecting pilot evidence on sustainable agricultural adaptation practices
OUTCOME THREE: Increased stakeholder awareness at province and national levels on the benefits of smallholder farmer participation (particularly women) under the 2021-2025 NAP for Adaptation to Climate Change