Promoting Solar Energy Use in Rural Communities of Armenia
On the 31st of May 2017, the launch meeting of the project entitled “Solar Energy for Low-Carbon Sustainable Lifestyles in Solak, Aygavan and Malishka Rural Communities of Armenia” was held in the Garni Hall of Ani Plaza Hotel, Yerevan with participation of representatives from the Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of Armenia, the Embassy of Japan in Armenia, target villages, NGOs, solar technology companies and mass media. The aim of the meeting was to present the planned project activities in the above-mentioned communities.
The project is funded through the 10YFP Trust Fund established by UNEP ( brochure). The project was selected through an open 10YFP Trust Fund Call for Proposals for Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme with the financial support of the Government of Japan.
The project objective is to improve the social and economic situation in these villages through the promotion of solar energy use. The project will use an innovative participatory method for developing and implementing local sustainable development strategies and plans with active involvement of the different stakeholders and the public at large in local communities.