Sub-regional workshop to share experience in the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health for countries of the Caucasus
27 – 28 May 2013
Tbilisi, Georgia
The sub-regional workshop to share experience in the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health (http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/documents/2000/wat/mp.wat.2000.1.e.pdf) to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) (http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/water/pdf/watercon.pdf ) for countries of the Caucasus was held on 27-28 May 2013 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The workshop was jointly organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, with the support from the Global Water Partnership Georgia and the WHO/Europe secretariat.
The objectives of the workshop were: to facilitate exchange of countries’ experiences; to share information on the process of development and adoption of targets under the Protocol; to discuss and identify solutions to the main challenges in the process of setting targets; and to discuss water and health issues common to all countries of the Caucasus.
At the opening session, the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, Ms. Nino Sharashidze, and the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Georgia, Mr. Jamie McGoldrick, delivered welcoming statements highlighting the importance of achieving progress in ensuring safe drinking water supply and adequate sanitation in Georgia and the Caucasus.
Several pilot projects and different experiences of 3 Caucasian countries were presented in diverse areas, such as Small-scale water supplies and sanitation; Water safety planning; Prevention and reduction of water-related diseases; Post-2015 development agenda and the possible Sustainable Development Goal on water; and Levels of performance of water supply and sanitation systems, including technical aspects of drinking water and wastewater systems management. Emma Anakhasyan, the Head of the Environmental Health Department of the AWHHE, was also invited as NGO representative to share the experience of AWHHE in implementation of the Protocol.
Armenian delegation and
Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE