WECF Report from Budapest – June 2004
Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Budapest, Hungary, 23–25 June 2004
“The future for our children”
The effects of a degraded environment on children’s health raise increasing concern. Every year, unhealthy environments cause the death of over 5 million children worldwide.
The Budapest Conference is the European response to this situation. WHO/Europe has taken the lead in the action for children and has focused the Conference on ‘The future for our children’.
The Budapest Conference is the fourth in a series started in 1989, bringing together ministers of health and of the environment as well as major stakeholders. European ministers are expected to reach consensus and make political commitments to ensure safer environments for children, through the adoption of a Conference declaration and of a children’s environment and health action plan for Europe (CEHAPE).
Download CEHAPE in MS Word (doc) format
Download Conference Declaration in PDF format