IPEN General Assembly, 2010 (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

IPEN General Assambley took place in Almaty , Kazakhstan , on October, 18-22. It was the first IPEN GA organised in the EECCA region. Eco-Accord was a coorganiser of the meeting and IPEN Focal Point for the EECCA. 60 representatives of IPEN network from different regions, including EECCA countries, participated in the Assembly. The representative from AWHHE had a presentation […]

AWHHE and Rural Sustainable Development Agricultural Foundation Celebrates Rural Woman International Day on October 15th

On the 15 th of October, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. the event dedicated to the Rural Women’s International Day took place at the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences (address: Baghramyan 24D, room 610). Each year the United Nations Organization celebrates the 15 th of October as a Rural Women’s International Day to show a respect and […]

Chemical Safety and the Rotterdam Convention

Chemical Safety and the Rotterdam Convention: Policy and Practives in Russia. The international expert conference was organised by Eco-Accord in partnership with Russian and international organisations. the conference was held in Moscow, October 14-15, 2010 and was focused on issues related to the accession of Russia to the Rotterdam convention. The conference resolution can be downloaded here>>>