On April 7, 2017, the NPD Steering Committee held its 16th meeting
On April 7, 2017, the EUWI NPD Steering Committee held its 16th meeting to discuss national priorities for the water sector in the next 4 years.
On April 7, 2017, the EUWI NPD Steering Committee held its 16th meeting to discuss national priorities for the water sector in the next 4 years.
Webinar on HHPs problems, belonged to EDCs was held on 13th of March 2017. Experts from EECCA countries participated in the webinar. Five presentations were prepared by Olga Speranskaya IPEN/ EcoAccord; Oleg Sergeev, Russia Chapaevsk; Eugenia Koreneva, Ukraine; Elena Manvelyan, Armenia; Oleg Pechenjuk, Kirgistan. Общие проблемы стран ВЕКЦА по обращению с особо опасными пестицидами и как их решать, Ольга Сперанская, […]
From 26-27 March 2017, AWHHE representative participated in a regional seminar on the problems of mercury pollution in the countries of the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA). The seminar was organized in Moscow, Russia, by Eco Accord (http://www.ecoaccord.org/ ) jointly with the “Scientific Research Institute for Protection of atmospheric air » (http://www.nii-atmosphere.ru/) . The seminar was attended by […]