Третья Ассамблея ООН по Окружающей Среде   откроется 4 декабря 2017 года в Найроби,Кения. Одна из инициатив, выдвинутая Программой ООН по окружающей среде – собрать как можно больше добровольных обязательств от правительств, бизнеса и гражданского общества, направленных на прекращение загрязнения воздуха, почвы, пресных водоемов и океанов и обеспечение безопасного управления химическими веществами и отходами, включая достижение цели ликвидации свинца в краске. […]

The First Public Hearing on Environmental Impact Assessment of the Project ”The Nubarashen obsolete pesticide burial site excavation, safe transportation of waste, area cleanup and stabilization” was held

On November 9, 2007, the first public hearing on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project entitled  ”The Nubarashen obsolete pesticide burial site excavation, safe transportation of waste, area cleanup and stabilization” was held at the Conference Hall of Erebuni administrative district (according to the RA Law N HO-110-N on “Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise” dated of 21 June 2014, […]

22-28 October 2017 – International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action

LEAD IN PAINT – THE ISSUE OF GLOBAL CONCERN Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) NGO joined the International lead poisoning prevention week of action. About 100 organizations from different regions of the world joined the action launched on October 22. The organization’s expert, Knarik Grigoryan, made a presentation at the “Green Rights, Violations, Protection” seminar on 23 October. […]

Chemical Safety Workshop

On September 28-29, 2017, the workshop entitled “Public Participation in Addressing Chemical Safety Issues in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Countries” was organized by the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) at the Ibis Hotel in Yerevan. The event was attended by 32 representatives from 10 EECCA countries, as well as representatives from the United Nations Development Program in Armenia, […]

Press Release: New treaty effectiveness will depend on adequacy of data to be collected

The First Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP1) will take place from 24 to 29 September 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. Over 1000 delegates and around 50 ministers are expected to assemble in Geneva to celebrate and lay the groundwork for the treaty’s overall effectiveness.  During the prior negotiations, the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC) approved many […]

Пресс-релиз “Эко-Согласия”: Новое исследование IPEN указывает на опасно высокие уровни ртути в организме женщин детородного возраста в различных регионах мира

  Как показывает новое исследование, проведенное IPEN (глобальной сетью по вопросам здравоохранения и охраны окружающей среды) и Институтом исследования биоразнообразия (BRI), для всех регионов мира в организме женщин детородного возраста были установлены высокие уровни ртути – нейротоксичного металла. У женщин с островов Тихого океана и из районов, расположенных рядом с участками золотодобычи в Индонезии, Кении и Мьянме, были обнаружены средние […]

New treaty’s entry into force set to curtail global mercury crisis, say NGOs  

EMBARGOED- UNTIL 15/8/2017, 23:59 PM, Brussels time Brussels / Yerevan 16 August 2017- Today’s entry into force of the Minamata Convention establishes the first new multilateral environmental agreement in over a decade.  The Zero Mercury Working Group* has been calling for a legally binding treaty for over a decade and welcomes the new protocol. “While there are alternatives to mercury, […]

What’s Next for the EU Criteria to Identify Endocrine Disruptors: A Legal Map of the Adoption Process

http://www.ciel.org/whats-next-eu-criteria-identify-endocrine-disruptors-legal-map-adoption-process/ Since June 2016, the EU has discussed several draft proposals for scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (EDCs). On July 4th, representatives of Member States agreed upon the criteria for pesticides. These criteria are far from what would be needed to actually identify, and eventually get rid of, all EDCs, but nothing is set in stone (yet). So what does this […]

Sustainable Agriculture for Women in Armenia

In the frame of the joint WECF France – AWHHE, Armenia project entitled “Sustainable Agriculture for Women in Armenia”  the mission of the French Delegation took place  on 20-24 June 2017. The delegation visited the Women Resource Agricultural Center in Solak, Kotayk region where the training on eco soap production for women of 3 targeted villages (Ditak, Solak and Voskevan) was conducted.    

Endocrine Experts United in Disappointment with European Commission’s Proposed Criteria on EDCs

Source: https://www.endocrine.org/news-room/current-press-releases/endocrine-experts-united-in-disappointment-with-european-commissions-proposed-criteria-on-edcs June 16, 2017 Washington, DC – The Endocrine Society, the European Society for Endocrinology, and the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology sent a joint letter to the European Commission expressing serious concern with the Commission’s proposed criteria on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). In the letter, the three societies claim the proposed criteria will fail to identify EDCs that are currently causing human harm […]