2013 – Women – agents of change: to strengthen the role of rural women in society in Armenia

co-funded by the Rhône-Alpes region of France Project Partners:  WECF France (Rhône Alpes) and AWHHE (Armenia) Municipalities covered : Ditak (Ararat), Voskevan (Tavush), Saghmosavan (Aragatsotn) and Solak (Kotayk). The communities of Ditak and Voskevan were part of the 2012 project, their motivation, but also the need for continuity and optimization of efforts explains the reason why those were selected to join…

2007 – Activities on Alternative Agriculture

Activities carried out by AWHHE in the frame of TMF project in 2007 The project is implemented in 3 villages: The village Hayanist of Ararat marz and the villages Dzoraghbyur and Fantan of Kotayk marz. Hayanits orchard: An organic peach and apricot orchard on 3300 m2 was founded in Hayanist.     Treatment of fruit orchards using the vegetative preparations in…

2006 – Activities on Alternative Agriculture

Activities carried out by AWHHE in the frame of TMF project in 2007 The project is implemented in 3 villages: The village Hayanist of Ararat marz and the villages Dzoraghbyur and Fantan of Kotayk marz. 2 agronomists from Fantan and Dzoraghbyur and 3 AWHHE members participated in “Networkshop” organized by WECF and Unser LAND UNSER-Women and Rural Development in Germany….

2002-“AMARANTH” – Improvement of Nutrition and Health Status of Pregnant Women and Children

Amaranth plant possesses valuable nutritional qualities and miraculous strength. The information about amaranth and its characteristics is currently available on many internet sites. We would like to provide some more information about perspectives of amaranth growing in Armenia. As significant part of population in our country experiences the problem of malnutrition or cannot afford full value diet, we have chosen…