2018-Support of the development of Green Climate Fund project and capacity building development in Armenia
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO (AWHHE) gathered baseline household data and data about the development and distribution of environmental education resources. The project was implemented with financial support from The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the FAO YUNGA programme.
YUNGA Environmental Education Work
Formed in 2009, the Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) is a partnership between United Nations agencies, civil society organizations and other entities that work with children and young people. YUNGA acts as a gateway for children and youth from around the world to participate in the activities and initiatives of the United Nations. YUNGA seeks to empower children and young people to have a greater role in society, raise awareness and become active agents of change. YUNGA aims to engage young people in activities of key environmental and social concern at both national and international levels.
Project Duration: 2017-2018
Target Communities: For the survey were selected Lori, Tavush and Syunik provinces of Armenia. In this provinces were selected those communities that were located at the nearest to or farthest distance from the dense forests.
Project Goal: Support to the Government of Armenia in developing its Green Climate Fund capacities and project portfolio to contribute to its achieving its commitments under its (intended) nationally determined contribution NDC under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. For the provision of “Support for the development of Green Climate Fund project and capacity building development in Armenia” there was conducted household survey by AWHHE NGO. The survey was conducted in 28 villages in three Armenia’s provinces.
Project objective: The project will contribute Armenia to develop or improve policies and governance mechanisms to address sustainable production, climate change and environmental degradation in agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
Project Outcomes: The outcomes are (1) completed rural household survey which establishes baselines of energy use and type (wood, gas, etc.) at different times of the year and determine what are the main drivers of forest and other natural resource degradation focusing on women as actor of change of natural resource management, (2) electronic versions of the YUNGA resource materials: challenge badges on: climate change, nutrition and forestry and its distribution and use in Armenia environmental education network.
Project Activities implemented within the framework of the project:
The selection of households was done in a multi-layered way to ensure that the full picture of each community is reflected.
For additional information please visit FAO website: http://www.fao.org/yunga/resources/challenge-badges/en/
Additional information materials:
Forest Challenge Badge: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3479e.pdf
Climate Change Challenge Badge: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5216e.pdf
Nutrition Challenge Badge: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6590e.pdf