WHO relaunches controversy over children’s exposure to chemicals

Updated: Friday 3 August 2007 In its most comprehensive study yet on the topic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has stressed the need for more research on children’s exposure to chemicals, arguing that it may be the origin of cancer, heart disease and chronic respiratory disease later in life. The report comes only months after the EU adopted sweeping new legislation on chemicals…

Report from and about activities of Women for Water

Dear colleagues, Lesha Witmer sent information about PhD courses organized by DHI Women’s Water Fund. The DHI Women’s Water Fund has been created as an initiative benefiting from the “King Hassan II Great World Water Prize” presented to Prof. Torkil Jønch Clausen of DHI at the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico in 2006. The objective of the DHI Women’s…

The 4th International Conference on Children’s Health and Environment, Vienna, Austria

The 4th International Conference on Children’s Helath and Environment took place in Vienna, 10th of June – 12th of June 2007. This conference – the fourth after Amsterdam (1998), Washington (2001) and London (2004) – is initiated by the International Network on Children’s Health, Environment and Safety (INCHES) in collaboration with the University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology…

“The ecological approaches to the chemicals management”, seminar, Yerevan, Armenia, Mariott Hotel

  Funded by: CDPF and CPI/CASP within the framework of the Civil Advocacy Support Program (CASP) in Armenia supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Project Start Date: March 2007 Project Duration: 10 months Project Implementation: Area Ararat marz, Yerevan Goal The decision (resolution) on ensuring of the pesticide burial safety has been adopted by state bodies…

“From Best Practice to Policy” – CSD 15 side event, May 2, 2007, NY, USA

During the side-event WECF partners presented very strong and impressive their problems and solutions in their countries and gave policy recommendations. Hripsime Jangiryan from Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment (AWHHE) presented the affecting movie “The cost of poverty” about energy poverty and indoor pollution in Armenia. Download the presentation “Indoor air pollution and energy poverty” – 500…