Second Session Of The Preparatory Committee For The Development Of A Strategic Approach To International Chemicals Management (SAICM PrepCom 2)

Nairobi, Kenya Oct 4 2004 to Oct 8 2004 Contact: UNEP Chemicals Telephone: 41-22-917-8191 Fax: 41-22-797-3460 Email: Web Site: Event Type: Conferences – invitation only (UN Negotiations/Hearings) SAICM PrepCom 2 will be held from 4-8 October 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya. Download Power Point presentation on SAICM (184 KB)

Conference on the New European Chemicals Policy within the enlarged Union “Chemlargement 2004”

Date: 23/09/2004-24/09/2004 Location: Vienna Country: Austria As the new regulations and procedures of REACH will affect not only the present member states but also a number of (by then) new member states, it is very important to identify the difficulties that may arise as well as the associated challenges. It is also of great importance to know how the enlargement…

Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest, Hungary, ‘The future for our children’

This year the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, The Future For Our Children will take place in Budapest, 23. – 25. June 04. 110 Health and environment ministers from the 52 countries of the WHO European Region will meet to adopt a Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan and a Ministerial Declaration. . WECF is the official representative…

Don’t pollute our babies bodies!

Women in Europe for a Common Future Members Stand in Silent Appeal to WHO Conference Delegates Representatives from Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) from 30 countries together with many of their colleagues from across Europe stood in silent appeal at the doors leading to the main plenary hall. The women made their statement at the Budapest Convention…

WECF Report from Budapest – June 2004

Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health Budapest, Hungary, 23–25 June 2004 “The future for our children” The effects of a degraded environment on children’s health raise increasing concern. Every year, unhealthy environments cause the death of over 5 million children worldwide. The Budapest Conference is the European response to this situation. WHO/Europe has taken the lead in the action…

Global Day of Action 2004

Waste Not, Burn Not The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives/Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance (GAIA) is organizing for the third consecutive year a Global Day of Action on Waste, which for this year will be held on 1 September 2004. GDAW 2004 seeks to draw international attention to safe and sustainable alternatives to incinerating waste. to conserve our planet’s diminishing resources. generate…

Celebration of the Stockholm Convention’s Entry in Force

In celebration of the Stockholm Convention’s entry in force, AWHHE Armenia carried out several activities to disseminate information about POPs Convention and its object of 12 toxic chemicals. 1.Round table and press conference was held at the house of journalists (Yerevan, Pushkin 3a) on MAY 14th 2004, 3.00 pm. There we 10 participants of Round Table and 10 journalists. 2….