2015-2016 – Self-Assessment of Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation in Armenia

One of the main objectives of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health is the provision of safe drinking water and sanitation to everyone, with special consideration to ensure equitable access to these services for all members of the population. Three critical factors in ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation are: reducing geographical disparities, overcoming the barriers faced by […]

2013 – 2015 – Through Toxic-Free Products to Healthy Generation

Project Duration:  April 2013 – April 2015     Environmental pollution due to heavy metals is a serious and widespread problem in the republics of the former Soviet Union (FSU). In Armenia, relatively little has been done to accurately assess these concerns. Information exchange on ongoing policy discussions needs to be extended. There are several investigations around heavy metal pollution […]

2014 – Increased Public Health and Environmental Protection of Farmers with Plots near POPs Hotspots

Project duration: 6 monthsFinancial and other support: OSCE office in Yerevan Project objectives: Investigate agricultural plots (soil and grown products) in rural communities on the matter of contamination by pesticides; Contribute to health risk reduction related to pesticide usage by strengthening the capacity of rural communities. Target villages: Odzun and Gargar in Lori marz, Partizak in Aragatsotn marz, Achajur in Tavush marz and Vardenik in […]

2014 – Development of Armenian Environmental Education – for Improved Biodiversity

The project, funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is being implemented together with the “Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation” international non-profit organization. Project Activities Project kick off meeting and Field trip in Estonia Development of methodological modules for outdoor study program on local environmental problems Training for teachers “How to teach environmental sustainability outdoors” Student essays competition and […]