IPEN National Campaigns on Chlorpyrifos

In 2024, IPEN initiated national campaign on chlorpyrifos in 13 countries to support the need to ban chlorpyrifos including this substance in the Annex of the Stockholm Convention during the upcoming COP in 2025. AWHHE joined this initiative by conducting a campaign in Armenia during April-June 2024. As background material, AWHHE used the Country Situation Report on chlorpyrifos in Armenia, […]

March – September 2023 – Youth for a Toxics-Free Future Campaign

Objective: Contribute to the global Youth for a Toxics-Free Future Campaign   Activities: A group of 20 volunteers among students is set up to implement the following activities: An open Facebook group is created: https://m.facebook.com/groups/865974701166533/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT A webinar will be organized to discuss the role of youth in solving the problem of lead in paint. A flyer is created: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/865974701166533/permalink/927414381689231/?mibextid=Nif5oz); https://www.facebook.com/groups/865974701166533/permalink/881442322953104/?mibextid=Nif5oz. A […]

April – December 2023 – “Strengthening National Capacity of the Republic of Armenia in Sound Chemicals and Waste Management for Implementation of the Stockholm, Basel, Rotterdam, Minamata Conventions and SAICM”

The project objective: to ensure the effective implementation of obligations under Basel, PIC, Stockholm Conventions and the Minamata Convention as well as SAICM   The awareness – raising campaign will contribute to the successful implementation of national plans related to chemical conventions as well as to SAICM and SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) Goal 3 “Ensure healthy lives and promote well […]

April – June 2022 – “The Situation with Chlorpyrifos in Armenia”

Objective: Information about the import and utilization of chlorpyrifos in Armenia The main crops that use chlorpyrifos for pest management The annual import of chlorpyrifos in the country for 2021 Human health and environmental impacts caused by chlorpyrifos in the country; from scientific literature, health reports or studies conducted in the country Government initiatives to minimize the use of chlorpyrifos, […]

Armenia Country Report on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)

In the period from December 2019 to February 2020, AWHHE prepared a country report on HHPs (in Russian language), including information on their management and promotion of HHPs phasing, available alternatives, non-chemical approaches in agriculture, such as agroecology in Armenia. The study was conducted with technical and financial support from International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN). The study was conducted by […]

2021 – Armenia’s Women – Rural Entrepreneurs for Safe Alternatives to Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Objectives  Strengthen women’s capacity and entry points for rural entrepreneurship in chemical safety area in 10 target communities of Armenia’s Kotayk and Vayots Dzor provinces Raise awareness of women and their families engaged in or living around the 10 targeted rural entrepreneurship areas focusing on safe alternatives in agriculture and agro-ecology.

2020 – Awareness Campaign to Suspend the Use of Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder

In 2020, AWHHE joined the global campaign by International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN, www.ipen.org ) to contribute to removal of talc cosmetic products from sale through awareness raising and lobbying campaign. The main activities included: 1. Monitoring of baby powder in pharmacies of the city of Yerevan.  2. Webinars for the residents of 18 communities of 3 provinces of Armenia […]

2020 – An information campaign on chemical safety in the provinces of Armenia in the frame of the implementation of the Stockholm and Minamata conventions

Workshops on the impact of POPs (Pesticides, PCBs) and mercury on human health and the environment and prevention of their harmful effects in the frame of the implementation of the Stockholm and Minamata conventions   From March 2 to June 30, 2020, the “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” (AWHHE) NGO conducted online workshops on the impact of POPs […]

2019 – 2020 – Survey of fluorescent lamps in the provinces of the Republic of Armenia

Analysis of fluorescent lamp survey results implemented in the provinces of the Republic of Armenia From December 25, 2019 to April 30, 2020 the “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” (AWHHE) NGO carried out a survey of fluorescent lamps in Armenia, including the city of Yerevan and the following towns of 8 provinces: Masis and Artashat (Ararat province), Armavir […]

The International lead poisoning prevention week of action

The International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week  of Action is an initiative of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (the Lead Paint Alliance), which is jointly led by UNEP and WHO. The primary goal of the Alliance is to promote the global phase-out of lead paint through the establishment of appropriate legally binding measures to stop the manufacture, import, export, […]